One shelter will accommodate 1,350 people the second will hold 725. Public 9-12 1501 Viking Drive Jasper, AL 35501-4999 (205) 221-9277 District: Jasper City SchoolDigger Rank: 91st of 367 Alabama High Schools Per Pupil Expenditures: 12,720 Feeder schools for Jasper High School: Student/teacher ratio: 17.0 Number of students: 748 Racial breakdown: White: 70.3 African American: 15.4 Hispanic: 11. Two storm shelters have been designed to withstand winds up to 250 miles an hour. JROTC students also have a classroom equipped with a range, an area for classroom instruction and location to store uniforms and other equipment. School Information - Jasper County High School 2018-2019 JCHS Regular Bell Schedule. Other areas of the building include separate offices for the school’s nurse and resource officer, administrative offices, an attendance office and school store. A competition gym for basketball and volleyball has seating for 2,000, and a practice gym seats 250. Bay Springs High School Stringer Attendance Center District 16th Section Medical Forms Child Nutrition. 60 Bay Springs High School 510 Hwy 18 Bay Springs, MS 39422 Ph. West Jasper Central Office: Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm. The theater has state-of-the-art sound and lighting, a large stage and tiered seating for 1,250 people. Bay Springs High School Stringer Attendance Center District 16th Section Medical Forms. The lunchroom also has a small stage and projector for small meetings or gatherings. There are several other ways you can stay connected: Follow us on Twitter JasperJaguars Follow us on Instagram jasper. For purposes of child abuse and neglect laws, a child is defined as a person under the age of parent, or caregiver of a public or private residential home or. The designed to hold more than 400 students, with a variety of seating options for students, including bistro tables, booths and traditional seating and four serving lines. Week of May 22nd Jag News, distributed every Monday once school begins, is the best way for students, parents, and our community to stay informed about what is going on here at Jasper. The 290,000-square-foot structure has 69 classrooms equipped with large smart television screens and the latest digital technology. The final design was presented in 2013, and construction began in October 2014. The district bought a site in July 2005, Lathan and Associates were hired as the architect in 2006 and a design of the structure was presented in 2008. Jasper City has been working for many years to build a new high school. The district held a ribbon cutting last month, and students began classes in the new campus last week. The Jasper City school board voted last summer to rename the school. It will be known as Jasper High School the former school was called Walker High School. WVTM-TV reports that the new high school comes with a new name.
The Jasper City (Ala.) school district has opened a new high school. Read More about Jasper High School Receives Secondary STEM Certification.