velocity (n.) - quantity that specifies both the speed of a body and its direction of motionĪs sixth graders start to read more complex nonfiction texts and deep fiction texts, they’ll start to learn more words related to literature.speed (n.) - how quickly something is moving or being done.solution (n.) - homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.solubility (n.) - capability of being dissolved.repetition (n.) - the act of doing or saying something over and over.

prediction (n.) - a statement that something might happen or is expected to happen.phase (n.) - distinct period in something’s development.manipulate (v.) - to influence, manage, direct, control, or tamper with something.hypothesis (n.) - a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem.force (n.) - a factor that causes a body to change speed, direction, or shape.attribute (n.) - quality or characteristic of a noun.adapt (v.) - to make suitable by adjusting or changing.acceleration (n.) - the rate of change in the velocity of a moving body.variable (n.) - a symbol for a number you don’t know yet, it has no fixed valueīasic science vocabulary words for sixth graders begin to explain physics and incorporate the proper terms used in the scientific method.ratio (n.) - the quotient of one quantity divided by another of the same kind.range (n.) - the limits to which something can reach.
mode (n.) - the value that occurs most frequently in a given series.median (n.) - the middle number in a range of values.mean (n.) - the average value of a set of numbers.histogram (n.) - graphical display where data is grouped into ranges then plotted as bars.frequency (n.) - how often something happens during a given period.factor (v.) - to express a number as a product of two or more other numbers.dimension (n.) - a measurement of length in one direction.area (n.) - the result of multiplying the length by the width of a shape.adjacent (adj.) - lying next to each other for angles, it means they share a corner point, but don’t overlap.Help tweens learn these vocabulary words by discussing definitions and examples. Many 6th grade math vocabulary words are short, but their meanings can be quite complex.